Thursday, November 2, 2023
German seed producer sells Chinese corn business as China's new regulations step in
German seed producer KWS Saat said this week that it will sell its Chinese corn business due to new regulations that could mean its conventionally bred traits would be unable to compete with genetically modified corn over the longer term.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
GM corn pollen capable of travelling 4.45km by wind, said German researchers
German researchers have reported that pollen from GM corns containing pest-killing properties is capable of travelling up to 4.45km by wind, according to a Daily Mail article. The revelation was made following a decade-long investigation to ...
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Germany finds excessive aflatoxin in corn shipment from Serbia
March 5, 2013 Germany finds excessive aflatoxin in corn shipment from Serbia   In a shipment of corn from Serbia destined for livestock feed, German authorities have found excessive levels of aflatoxin B1. The state agriculture ministry in ...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Germany's production of biogas using corn reduces grain production
June 26, 2012 Germany's production of biogas using corn reduces grain production Farm organisation Deutscher Raiffeisenverband e.V (DRV) said that as the crop competes for acreage, Germany's use of corn to make biogas is reducing grain prod ...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Germany's 2011 corn acreage seen up 4.4% on-year
March 31, 2011 Germany's 2011 corn acreage seen up 4.4% on-year Germany's corn plantings for the 2011 harvest are likely to climb by 4.4% on-year to 2.39 million hectares, the German corn industry association said Wednesday (Mar 30). This w ...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Genetically modified corn contaminates crops in German states
June 7, 2010 Genetically modified corn contaminates crops in German states Despite a Europe-wide ban, genetically modified corn has contaminated crops in seven German states, affecting farmers with million euros of losses, reports Greenpeac ...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dioxin-contaminated corn hits Germany's organic egg market
May 20, 2010 Dioxin-contaminated corn hits Germany's organic egg market   The German authorities have found dioxins in organic eggs in nine federal states.   The source has been identified as corn from the Ukraine, which was used by a Dutch ...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ukraine to investigate German dioxin corn allegations
May 12, 2010 Ukraine to investigate German dioxin corn allegations Ukraine will launch a probe into reports in the German media that traces of dioxin were found in Ukrainian corn exports to the EU, said the Ukrainian agriculture minister. M ...
Monday, August 24, 2009
German scientists say Monsanto corn no risk
August 24, 2009 German scientists say Monsanto corn no risk                         The scientific advisory board to the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture has publicly announced that MON810 corn varieties do not pose "any risk to the e ...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Germany parliament in favour of GM corn
July 14, 2009 Germany parliament in favour of GM corn                        The majority of Germany's parliament members are against the current ban of Monsanto's GM corn Mon810. The insect-resistant corn could not be planted this year by ...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monsanto files suit against Germany's MON810 corn ban
April 22, 2009 Monsanto files suit against Germany's MON810 corn ban                          US biotech company Monsanto Co. has filed a suit against Germany's decision to ban a type of genetically modified corn - MON 810 - manufactured by ...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
German agriculture ministry bans planting of Monsanto's MON810 corn
April 15, 2009 German agriculture ministry bans planting of Monsanto's MON810 corn                           German Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner on Tuesday banned the planting of genetically engineered corn type MON 810, the news agency ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Germany set to vote against lifting EU GMO corn restrictions
March 3, 2009 Germany set to vote against lifting EU GMO corn restrictions                                                Germany is set to vote against a European Commission proposal to lift restrictions on genetically modified corn, Envir ...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
German agriculture minister considers Monsanto corn ban
February 25, 2009 German agriculture minister considers Monsanto corn ban                                                   German Minister for Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection, Ilse Aigner, has publically speculated about another ...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Germany may ban Monsanto's GM corn
February 19, 2009 Germany may ban Monsanto's GM corn                                    Germany may revoke a license for the cultivation of Monsanto's GM corn because consumers and farmers do not want it, a report from newspaper Berliner Ze ...

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