Monday, June 27, 2022
Bioceres to seek planting approvals in Australia for its GMO wheat
Federico Trucco, chief executive of Argentina-based Bioceres Crop Solutions, said the firm is planning to run field tests of its genetically modified drought resistant wheat in Australia and seek planting approvals in the country next year, ...
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
New Zealand farmers welcome Australian Greens' shift on GMOs
The Federated Farmers of New Zealand has welcomed a shift in thinking by the Australian Green Party on its longstanding opposition to genetically modified organisms.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Monsanto's GM canola seed sales jump 55% in Australia
June 18, 2014 Monsanto's GM canola seed sales jump 55% in Australia Sales of Monsanto's genetically modified canola seed ( rapeseed) soared 55% in Australia, according to the report by ABC. The US seed company sold more than 600 tonnes of G ...
Friday, November 22, 2013
Leiber GmbH extends sales partnership in Australia
November 22, 2013   Leiber GmbH extends sales partnership in Australia Yeast product manufacturer, Leiber GmbH, has appointed Dox-al Australia Pty Ltd as the company's sales partner for Australia. The move marks Leiber's expansion of its sa ...
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Europe demands more Australian non-GM rapeseed
Europe is buying nearly all of Australian rapeseed growers' traditional varieties, however European markets generally refuse to buy genetically modified (GM) rapeseed and, as a result, Australian non-GM growers are receiving up to US$40 a t ...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Australia's CBH not buying GM rapeseed price guarantee
May 4, 2012 Australia's CBH not buying GM rapeseed price guarantee Western Australian (WA) CBH Group is not buying up genetically modified (GM) rapeseed at guaranteed prices. The herbicide-resistant rapeseed was introduced in WA in 2010 and ...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Australia closes GM, non-GM rapeseed price gaps to up Asian supply
April 26, 2012 Australia closes GM, non-GM rapeseed price gaps to up Asian supply In a bid to shore up supply for Asian markets, AWB is closing the price gap between genetically modified and non-GM canola. In Victoria and NSW, GM rapeseed i ...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Australian research centre develops GM wheat, barley
November 1, 2011 Australian research centre develops GM wheat, barley Besides being part of the state government's AUD9 million (US$9.48 million) New Genes for New Environments project, the WA Department of Agriculture and Food's new Merred ...
Friday, August 19, 2011
Australian town reports GM rapeseed spill
August 19, 2011 Australian town reports GM rapeseed spill Western Australia's Williams town has reported last week a genetically modified (GM) rapeseed spill around the area, sparking renewed calls for the technology ban while potential leg ...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Western Australia struggles to sell GM rapeseed
July 19, 2011 Western Australia struggles to sell GM rapeseed Western Australian grain marketers have admitted that they are struggling to sell last year's genetically modified rapeseed crop. About 49,000 tonnes of the GM product was harves ...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Australia's dairy sector wants further deliberation on GM produce
July 15, 2011 Australia's dairy sector wants further deliberation on GM produce The dairy industry of Australia is discussing on a new point of view the pros and cons of genetically modified (GM) crops. The dairy industry's R and D body say ...
Friday, July 8, 2011
Greenpeace warns of GM wheat threat to Australian farmers
July 8, 2011 Greenpeace warns of GM wheat threat to Australian farmers Greenpeace has warned that Australian wheat farmers stand to lose billions of dollars if the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's (CSIRO) trial ...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Australia debates on GM crops
April 21, 2011   Australia debates on GM crops A senate hearing in Australia has been told that disagreement to genetically modified (GM) crops is the result of a non-scientific, fact-free, alarmist and scaremongering minority in the popula ...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Australia awaits GM field's release
January 17, 2011 Australia awaits GM field's release Australian farmers are still waiting for the launch of the first genetically modified pasture, more than a decade after field trials began. However, DPI researcher German Spangenberg said ...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Australian states lift ban on GM crops
September 21, 2010 Australian states lift ban on GM crops The Premiers of Victoria and New South Wales, have approved a landmark decision to lift the moratorium on genetically modified (GM) crops, including GM rapeseed crops, which can now ...

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