Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Egypt's wheat import soars with 39% increase in Russian supply
Egypt witnessed a substantial surge in its imports of Russian wheat, marking a 39% year-on-year increase in 2023, Zawya reported.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Egypt eyes wheat imports from France and Bulgaria amid Russian supply halt
Egypt is exploring the possibility of importing approximately 500,000 tonnes of wheat from France and Bulgaria after Russia suspended wheat supplies due to pricing disputes, sources revealed, Zawya reported.
Friday, January 13, 2023
Egypt leaned more heavily on Russian wheat as imports declined in 2022
Egypt leaned more heavily on wheat from Russia in 2022, even as the country reduced imports of the grain and looked to diversity its sources of wheat purchases, Zawya reported.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Egypt's state tender sees lowest offer for Russian wheat
GTCS has presented the lowest offer for Russian wheat on Tuesday at an Egyptian state tender at US$205 per tonne, free-on-board (FOB), for 55,000 tonnes of the grain, according to traders, Reuters reported.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Egypt turns away Russian wheat shipment
Egypt, the world's largest wheat importer, has rejected a 63,000-tonne shipment of Russian wheat, claiming it contained excessive levels of the common grain fungus ergot, Reuters reported on Thursday, May 31.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Egypt buys 110,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia and Ukraine
Egypt's state grains buyer General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), has purchased 110,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia and Ukraine. According to the GASC, it bought Russian wheat at US$258 per tonne and Ukrainian wheat at US$254.5/to ...
Monday, December 29, 2014
Egypt wheat supply from Russia imperiled by grain exports suspension
Egypt, the world's largest wheat importer, may fail to get its supply of wheat from Russia, which has reportedly stopped grain exports to protect domestic supply. The head of the influential Russian farm lobby group Grain Union, Arkady Zloc ...
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
France ahead of Russia in wheat exports to Egypt
November 4, 2014 France ahead of Russia in wheat exports to Egypt   France has overtaken Russia as the second biggest wheat exporter to Egypt, reports. Both countries supply wheat to Egypt through the GASC, Egypt's main wheat  ...
Friday, July 5, 2013
Russia may boost its 2013-14 wheat shipments to Egypt
Russia's Grain Union said that despite political upheaval in the world's largest wheat importer that may slash its overall purchases, Russia is likely to increase its exports of wheat to Egypt in the marketing year that started on July 1. E ...
Monday, April 22, 2013
Egypt and Russia discuss about wheat export matter
April 22, 2013 Egypt and Russia discuss about wheat export matter Egypt's Minister of Agriculture, Salah Abdel-Mo'min, has held a meeting with Russian Agriculture Minister, Nikolai Fyodorov, on agricultural cooperation last week. The subjec ...
Friday, September 28, 2012
Russia's drought may divert wheat export business to Egypt
September 28, 2012 Russia's drought may divert wheat export business to Egypt     As drought exhausted Russia's grain stocks, France and other leading global wheat sources are anticipated to replace Russia in doing business with Egypt. Russ ...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Ukrainian wheat loses to Russia in Egypt's tender
October 27, 2011 Ukrainian wheat loses to Russia in Egypt's tender Ukraine will have to wait longer to win the wheat tender by Egypt, as Russia clinched the deal. Ukrainian wheat was offered at US$249.92 a tonne at the first tender by offic ...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Egypt perceives Russian wheat as competitive
October 21, 2011 Egypt perceives Russian wheat as competitive According to Egypt's key state wheat buyer on Thursday (Oct 20), he was not experiencing any financing problems in spite of political uproar and although Russian wheat imports ha ...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Egypt, Turkey import Russia's wheat
October 5, 2011 Egypt, Turkey import Russia's wheat Russia's wheat exports amounted 2.3 million tonnes in September, and Egypt (846,200 tonnes) and Turkey (275,600 tonnes) were the key importers, according to data of the monitoring by exper ...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Russia's wheat wins massive orders from Egypt
September 15, 2011 Russia's wheat wins massive orders from Egypt Russian wheat won all of a 420,000-tonne Egyptian order amid heavy competition from French grain. The purchase took to well above two million tonnes Egypt's purchase of Russia ...

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