December 23, 2021


Pas Reform appoints sales manager to North America sales team


Pas Reform has appointed Walt Wages — who joined the incubation support team  of Pas Reform North America earlier this year — as sales manager of the regional sales team.


Wage, who came from Snead, Alabama, the United States, had seven years of poultry industry-related experience with Koch Foods.


Having served three years as a supervisor on the processing side at Koch Food's debone department, Wages shifted to live production, as assistant hatchery manager at the company's newly renovated hatchery operation in Crossville, Alabama.


He was instrumental in the start-up of Crossville, which went fully single stage on its newly expanded wing. It was there that Wages gained extensive experience with the Pas Reform North America team and products.


Steve Warren, president of Pas Reform North America, said: "In just a few months, Walt has made an immediate impact, and with his first-class client-side operational knowledge and understanding, he will prove to be a valuable addition to the sales management team."


- Pas Reform

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