December 21, 2021


Moba introduces Forta ET egg grader


In March 2019, Moba introduced a new egg grading machine, the Forta GT.


The machine was well received by the industry and considered to be a gamechanger: an egg grader with high-end features available in all capacities that meets the highest standards of food safety.

Two years later, Moba announced the expansion of the Forta range, with the introduction of Forta ET (Efficient Technology). The equipment is designed with cost efficiency in mind and focuses on basic grading functionality with a hygienic stainless steel design and a small footprint in combination with semi-automatic or manual candling of eggs.



Forta ET will be available in two capacities: Forta ET60 (21,600 eggs/hour) and Forta ET100 (36,000 eggs/hour).

Forta ET uses individual egg handling. This means that, from the time the eggs arrive on the rollers at the infeed section all the way down to the consumer pack, any contact between the eggs is avoided, Moba explained. This reduces the risk of cracked eggshells and minimises the chance of cross contamination.

The largely open construction of Forta ET aids in cleaning after production. The robust design, made entirely of stainless steel, is focused on minimising the accumulation of dirt and dirt traps. The egg grader is fitted with a washable infeed and packing lanes, and the packer parts are removable for cleaning out of place. All these features ensure that the machine can be cleaned quickly and with minimal effort, which will ultimately reduce labor costs.

What makes the Forta ET stand out is the small footprint of the machine. To save valuable spacing, the automatic packing lane can be optionally shortened as much as possible, which makes the machine easy to integrate into a production plant. These shortened packing lanes are well-suited for packing trays and consumer packs with manual closing.

The eggs are transported into an egg grader on wide-shaped rollers, an ideal basis for accumulating or loading, and prepared for orientation. The wide rollers make all the difference thanks to their ability to settle the eggs quickly during loading, in combination with their large pitch, which prevents egg-to-egg contact.

After the orientator, diabolo-shaped rollers are used. These rollers are an important feature of Forta ET, as they are an ideal basis for manual candling processes and ensure a stable transfer into the weighing system.


- Moba

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