December 18, 2024
Drop in farmed poultry in Northern Ireland, UK
There has been a fall in the number of poultry farmed in Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, after a resurgence in 2023.
The latest farm census, taken in June 2024, showed total poultry numbers had decreased by 8% to 23.7 million birds recorded. And after a marked increase in poultry other than chickens – turkeys, ducks and geese – their numbers have fallen by just over a fifth (21%) in 2023.
Dairy cattle have increased slightly while beef cattle have shown a small decrease.
Sheep have fallen by 4%, while pig numbers rose by just 1%.
The total area of crops has declined slightly, with the decrease most marked in winter barley (-18%).
All cereals except spring barley have decreased.
The agriculture census also shows that the amount of land farmed in Northern Ireland remains largely unchanged since 1984, at just over a million hectares.
The number of farms increased only slightly, with the majority (79%) still being classed as very small farms.
The average farm size varied across counties from 26 hectares/64 acres in County Armagh to 38 hectares/94 acres in County Antrim.
The overall average was 33 hectares/81.5 acres.