December 17, 2013


Russia bans beef imports from Paraguayan companies for sanitary violations



Due to violations of veterinary and sanitary requirements, Russia is banning beef imports from two Paraguayan companies, Frigorifico Guarani S.A.C.A and Frigorifico Mercantil Unica De Servicios SA, effective from December 19 and 25, 2013.


Restrictions on shipments of meat, meat products and sub-products from the Frigorifico Guarani S.A.C.A will go into effect on December 19 and restrictions on shipments from Frigorifico Mercantil Unica De Servicios SA on December 25, the Federal Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Oversight Service said.


The watchdog said that banned and harmful substances were found in the course of increased laboratory monitoring which was imposed on the products of these companies.

The watchdog has imposed bans on beef imports from Paraguay in the past. The list of Paraguayan beef suppliers to Russia currently includes 17 companies, imports from seven of which, including the two named above, have been banned.


Due to a first violation, one of the suppliers on the list is subject to increased monitoring. Its products will also be banned if there is a second violation.


The Russian watchdog also said that a decision to restrict imports of fish from a number of companies in China, Chile, Iceland and India will go into effect on December 25.


Imports of pork will be banned from one company in Canada and the Ivano-Frankivsk Meat Processing Plant in Ukraine.


The restrictions are being imposed due to the discovery of harmful and banned substances, including the E.coli bacteria.

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