December 8, 2020


Indonesian poultry vertical integrator chooses Pas Reform's Smart™ technology for broiler farm in Java


Indonesian poultry vertical integrator Widodo Makmur Unggas (WMU) opened its latest broiler breeding farm and hatchery at Tonggor in the Yogjakarta region of Java, Indonesia, following an inauguration ceremony attended by the region's deputy governor.


With a capacity of 24 million day old chicks per year, the new facility is equipped with incubators, hatchery automation and climate control systems from Royal Pas Reform. The applications are designed to produce healthy and highly uniform day-old chicks, Pas Reform announced last month.


The specification includes 12 SmartSetPro™ - six setters with Adaptive Metabolic Feedback (AMF) and Energy Saving Module (ESM), 12 SmartHatchPro™- five hatchers with SmartWatch™ and climate control.


SmartWatch™ is a unique tool for hatch-window control, which creates ideal conditions for chicks to hatch by optimising the humidity and CO2 inside the hatcher. It monitors and adjusts the hatching process automatically, from the day of transfer through to the hatching of the last chicks, eliminating any need for human intervention.


Ali Mas'adi, WMU's CEO, said: "With these facilities, the purpose of supporting the national food security programme as well as contributing to the welfare of the people of Yogyakarta will be achieved."


Royal Pas Reform's sales director, Bas Kanters, said: "We are delighted to be working with WMU in Java. It is a progressive business that is making an important contribution to expanding Indonesia's poultry market and distribution network."


- Pas Reform

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