December 7, 2023


Jordan secures 60,000 metric tonnes of animal feed barley in tender


Jordan's state grain buyer has procured approximately 60,000 metric tonnes of animal feed barley from optional origins in an international tender, according to reports from European traders, Nasdaq reported.


The purchase, made at an estimated US$243.50 a tonne cost and freight (c&f), is scheduled for shipment in the second half of February. Trading house Nestwise is believed to be the seller, though further details on prices and volumes may still be forthcoming.


Participation in the tender included other trading houses, and estimated offers per ton c&f were reported as follows: Viterra US$259.99, Ameropa US$258.50, Olam US$249.98, and Cargill US$256.75. Romanian trading house Cerealcom Dolj also took part, although its offered price remains undisclosed.


While there is no immediate indication of a new tender, traders noted that a larger quantity, 120,000 tonnes, had been sought in a previous tender, Jordan, a regular buyer of wheat in recent months, has been absent from the barley market since its last reported tender on August 30.


-      Nasdaq

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