November 26, 2020


Indonesia seeks to increase value of shrimp exports by 250% by 2024



In the next four years, Indonesia aims to export shrimp at more than double its current export value.


The country's Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has reached out to all aquaculture stakeholders to help the government achieve a 250% increase in value of shrimp exports by 2024.


In a November 23 press release, KKP's director general of aquaculture, Slamet Soebjakto, said: "Every stakeholder should help and work together in increasing shrimp production and developing national warehouses in the future." 


KKP is looking for support from the central government and regional governments, including support from shrimp farmer associations and academics. It aims to develop more shrimp pond areas in the next five years without damaging mangroves.


Agnes Marcellina, deputy chair of the commission for stakeholders and public consultation for marine and fisheries (KP2KP), said the goal is to produce 1.2 million tonnes of shrimp by 2024 with a value of Rp90 trillion (US$6,366,600).


  - The Fish Site

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