November 25, 2008


Kansas cattle on feed declines 8 percent on-year

The number of cattle going into Kansas feedlots has declined 8 percent on-year to 2.23 million head as of November 1, according to Kansas Agricultural Statistics Service on Monday (Nov 24, 2008).


The decline comes as beef demand falls amid the economic slowdown, while high input costs for fattening cattle also played a part.


That comes as the consumer appetite for beef wanes amid the economic downturn. High input costs for fattening that beef are also driving the losses.


Cattle placements during October also fell 15 percent, indicating a tight slaughter supply in the coming months.


Marketings in October dropped 12 percent on-year.


The numbers indicate continued liquidation in the business, with the cattle feeding sector suffering huge losses this year, said Kansas Livestock Association spokesman Todd Domer.

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