November 23, 2020


Cherkizovo to share meat export experience with Russian institute students



Cherkizovo Group is deepening its cooperation with Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) by helping teach students how to work in foreign agricultural markets, the company announced this month


The initiative will contribute to the training of highly qualified world-class professionals amid the increasing importance of exports in Russia's agricultural industry.


In November, the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency in partnership with Cherkizovo Group launched a new training module, the "Agricultural Exports from Russia: Practical Issues for students on the Global Agricultural Markets" master's programme. The module includes lectures and hands-on seminars by leading experts from Cherkizovo and the wider Russian meat industry, all with significant international experience.


Students will learn about the role and state of the meat industry in global agricultural trade and develop practical skills in organising exports of meat and meat products to the key foreign markets.


Besides traditional lectures, students will be able to take part in the Current Trends of Russian Meat Exports roundtable as well as work online on various foreign meat export case studies. The latter will include poultry exports to China and the states of the Persian Gulf, halal certification, developing pork exports to Southeast Asia and more.


 "Our cooperation with MGIMO reflects the growing role of international trade in the Russian agricultural industry. Having achieved import substitution, the industry is now moving on to the next goal of increasing the presence of Russian products in international markets. As a leader in the meat segment, Cherkizovo actively supports initiatives of the Russian government to this end and places a special focus on exports in its strategy," said Anastasia Mikhailova, head of communications at Cherkizovo Group.


This is not the first time that Cherkizovo and the MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency have worked together.


This summer, the company took part in the school's major case competition where student teams contended to solve vital business development cases.


- Cherkizovo

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