November 18, 2011
Russian grain production reaches 96 million tonnes
Russia has produced 96 million tonnes of grains as of November 1, according to agrarians of the Russian Federation.
Agricultural enterprises of all types of ownership (agricultural organizations, farmers, population) also produced 7.5 million tonnes of sunflower seeds.
In the current year, the country increased grain production by 53.3% compared to the previous year, sunflower production - up 52.1%, respectively.
The harvested grains and leguminous crops throughout 93% of the planned areas, including corn for grain - 59.8%, reported the Federal State Statistics Service.
Agrarians harvested sunflower throughout 73.2% of the planned areas (on the same date last year - 71.8%).
As in previous years, agricultural organizations of the country produced the major share of grains (76.9%) and sunflower (71.8%). In farming enterprises produced 22% of grains and 27.8% of sunflower (in 2010 - 22.3% and 26.8%, respectively).