November 17, 2009

Australia 2009-10 canola crop forecast held at 1.8 million tonnes

Forecast production from Australia's 2009-10 canola crop has been held unchanged at 1.80 million tonnes, if achieved down from actual output last crop year ended March 31, 2009 of 1.88 million tonnes, the Australian Oilseeds Federation said Tuesday (November 17).


In Western Australia state, which is estimated to produce 825,000 tonnes or 46 percent of the national total, the harvest is in full swing with only minor reports of yield loss from frost damage and spring hail storms, the federation said in its monthly crop report.


In New South Wales state, despite dry conditions and some frost damage, estimated tonnage--at 220,000 tonnes--is broadly in line with drought-affected five-year annual averages, although well down on some crops in the late 1990s that produced more than 600,000 tonnes.


In Victoria state, a favourable season is expected to yield a tonnage in line with the record 1999-2000 crop of 450,000 tonnes, with the 2.0 tonnes/hectare yield average the highest on record, according to the report.


In South Australia state, the favourable weather will help produce a near record crop of 300,000 tonnes, it said.


National soy production is forecast at 79,500 tonnes, down 25 percent from an actual 105,500 tonnes in 2008-09, while 2009-10 sunflower output is estimated at 52,000 tonnes, if achieved down 35 percent on year, the report said.


Last week, Chinese authorities indicated a relaxation of their previous "zero tolerance" approach to importing canola with blackleg, a common fungal disease in the oilseed, the federation said.


China has detailed a number of ports that now will accept canola shipments that have tested positive to the specific strain of blackleg and exporters are reviewing the feasibility of shipping to these ports, which are some distance from crushing sites, it said.


China had previously required all canola imports to be tested for blackleg before leaving ports of origin. The country imports around 98 percent of its canola from Canada and the remainder from Australia.


Australia's annual canola output averaged 1.32 million tonnes a year in the five years to 2008-09, of which an average 700,000 tonnes was exported.


The federation represents growers, processors, marketers and users.  

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