November 14, 2008
Romania's pork processors could resume exports to the EU next year after it halts vaccinations against swine fever for six months.
Agriculture minister Dacian Ciolos said the Romanian Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority has been asked to draft a plan to stop vaccination against swine fever by year-end to allow Romania to resume pork exports to the EU.
The plan draft will also entail a strict control of livestock traceability, and the EU will analyse the plan and make a decision some time next year, said Ciolos.
Ciolos said the European Commission will accept the resuming of trade if Romania proves it can keep the disease under control using hygiene measures.
Once the Commission approves of the plan, Romania may resume pork exports six months after it halts vaccinations against swine fever.
Food safety authority head Radu Roatis said they are working on a plan to regionalise exports, meaning exports from certain areas may be resumed.
Romania plans to resume exports on a gradual basis, Ciolos added.