November 13, 2013


Cereals Canada follows Canola Council's model


The newly-formed "Cereals Canada" is aiming to have the national organisation running by the end of this year or early next year.


Cereals Canada follows the Canola Council of Canada's model of bringing together stakeholders from throughout a crop's value chain.


"We looked very closely at what we saw as a successful organisation in the Canola Council, which has representatives from all parts of the value chain. Whether you're a producer, a life science/seed company, a handler or processor, everybody has a seat around the table and is making decisions that are in the best interests of the value chain overall," explains founding director Jean-Marc Ruest of Richardson International.


Cereals Canada, as compared to Canola Council, will work with more than one crop addressing issues related to wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale, Ruest says.


He says they're hoping to have all the provincial wheat and barley grower organisations join Cereals Canada.


Ruest said, "The commissions are collecting funds from producers, and have to make decisions as to where those funds are best allocated. We think Cereals Canada is a compelling organisation to join."


Scott Wolfe Management Inc. was hired by the interim board to find an individual to oversee and direct the organisation.


"Our goal is to have a president in place and a fully functioning board able to take on, in earnest, issues related to cereals by the end of the calendar year, or very early in the New Year," says Ruest.


It's expected Cereals Canada will play a part in directing the new CAD25 million (US$24 million) National Wheat Improvement Project, which was unveiled last week at Agri-Trade in Red Deer.

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