November 11, 2022


US Grains Council highlights inclusion of higher protein corn co-products in shrimp diets at event in Ecuador



The US Grains Council is finding ways to include distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in nutrition conversations as the shrimp sector in Ecuador continues to grow.


Recently, the organisation participated in the AquaExpo Congress in Guayaquil, Ecuador, hosted by the Ecuadorian National Chamber of Aquaculture.


Due to the positive results of studies conducted in Indonesia on the inclusion of higher protein corn co-products in shrimp diets, the council sponsored a speaker, Hervé Lucien-Brun, to present the findings of those studies in Ecuador, while creating awareness among Ecuadorian nutritionists about the potential of this ingredient.


Some shrimp feed producers in Ecuador have already been using traditional distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS). However, only a few have started using the other, higher-protein corn co-products. The council's Latin America (LTA) regional office began promoting those other options in Ecuador in March, and participating in the AquaExpo Congress is the next step in building on its promotion efforts in the country.


"The council will continue increasing its DDGS promotion efforts with producers of aqua feed throughout Latin America," said Ana Ballesteros, USGC's LTA marketing director. "In Ecuador, the current world leader in farmed shrimp exports, we have the largest potential to increase DDGS usage in shrimp feed production in the region. The country produces around 1.5 million metric tonnes of shrimp feed per year, containing 25-45% protein.


"Traditional DDGS and other higher-protein corn co-products can be a cost-effective option for these diets, and we will be working to ensure Ecuadorian nutritionists are aware of this through additional training, conferences and connections with US suppliers. We would also hope to do trials suited to the Ecuadorian production conditions in the future."


"Presenting at AquaExpo was a great learning experience. Not only were we able to talk about the proven benefits of DDGS in shrimp diets before a technical audience, but we also had a first-hand experience of what the sector looks like and the topics relevant to them," Ballesteros said. "Working with an expert on the Ecuadorian shrimp market provided us with relevant and updated information on the market size and with ideas on how to continue engaging with this sector in the future."


The council looks forward to offering trade education through research to help increase DDGS sales in the aquaculture arena in Ecuador.

 - US Grains Council

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