November 10, 2017


BIOMIN opens new China plant in Wuxi



In the presence of 500 guests from China and abroad, BIOMIN officially opened its new production facility on October 30 in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, west of Shanghai.


Guests on a tour of the new facility

Since it was built in 2004, BIOMIN's other plant in China in Malu, Shanghai, has served its capacity it was built for well. Among other things, eFeedLink understands that the Wuxi site was selected for its favourable land acquisition terms and environmental safety standards.


BIOMIN would also soon be moving its China headquarters from Malu to Wuxi.


"It is the vision of the Erber Group, which BIOMIN is part of, to see safe and nutritious food being provided for a growing world population. We actively offer our products and services in more than 120 countries through our distributors and own affiliates. When we opened our Shanghai office in 2000, we only had two staff doing product registration. And looking back 12 years ago when we opened our first plant in China in Malu, Shanghai in 2004, our Wuxi plant today is a modern, state-of-the-art facility with the latest technology for quality management. We would continue to support the Chinese industry's endeavour to provide healthy and safe food," said Erich Erber, founder of Erber Group and BIOMIN during his opening speech.


Erich Erber dotting the lion's eyes as part of Chinese tradition at the opening ceremony (Source: BIOMIN)

During the opening ceremony, government representatives from both Austria and China (Xishan District, Wuxi) affirmed BIOMIN's commitment to the Chinese market. It was cited that "BIOMIN, in choosing to relocate its China headquarters to Wuxi, as it expands both in Asia and globally, is a positive affirmation of its trust in Wuxi's ETDZ (Economic and Technological Development Zone)", and similarly, "BIOMIN is a perfect example of a long-term investment in China and commitment to the Chinese market."


One point which was highlighted in Erich Erber's speech was that the Wuxi plant is equipped with the latest LCMS technology, operated by BIOMIN's sister company Romer Labs, primarily to be used for mycotoxin testing. Previously in the Malu plant, only HPLC and ELISA testing were available.


Guests on a tour of the LCMS facility (Source: BIOMIN)

While the Wuxi plant currently produces only the Mycofix® (mycotoxin management) and Biotronic® (acidifiers) product lines, eFeedLink understands that BIOMIN has plans to expand its product range manufactured at the facility in the future, with meeting certification requirements as one of their key considerations.


Further on the Wuxi plant, Erich Erber hopes to replicate its model of success elsewhere in China. Erber sees Austrian-based ALPLA as a role model. The little-known company is a global market leader in bottling technology used by the world's largest consumer brands, and "they know everything about making the best factories for producing bottle caps", said Erber.


For Jan Vanbrabant, CEO and chairman of the Erber Group, BIOMIN's strategic focus in the Chinese market remains very clear. "We will not compete directly with local commodity producers. We will continue to stay true to ourselves, and keep investing in innovation so that we will continue to stay ahead in our market segments."
(From left) Jack An, Managing Director, BIOMIN China; Hanliang Ye, Vice-Chairman, Guang Dong Yuan feng Agriculture (BIOMIN's first customer in China); Marc Guinnement, Managing Director, BIOMIN Asia Pacific; Peidong Li, Deputy Mayor, Xishan District, Wuxi; Erich Erber, Founder of Erber Group and BIOMIN; Jan Vanbrabant, CEO and Chairman of Erber Group; Christina Schösser, Commercial Attaché, Consulate General of the Republic of Austria in Shanghai; Hannes Binder, Managing Director, BIOMIN (Source: BIOMIN)
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