October 22, 2019


Parts of carcasses found to be used as feedstock in South Korea



Parts of carcasses were used to make feedstock on the island of Jeju, South Korea, an animal protection center operated by Jeju's provincial government said on October 20.


Remains of dead dogs were allegedly delivered to a company which sold the bone parts to feedstock producers between January and October 9, according to the Jeju animal hygiene lab, to which the animal center is affiliated.


The company in question applies a process called rendering - which is, the conversion of waste animal tissues into usable materials like industrial oils and fertilisers.


Based on recent data released by a Korean lawmaker, a total of 3,829 dog remains - 1,434 resulting from natural deaths and 2,395 from euthanised dogs - had been rendered, with by-products used to make animal feed from January to September this year.

The lack of dumping areas is attributed to the delivery of carcasses to rendering companies.


Under Korean law, it is illegal to use animal parts for feed production.



- The Korea Herald

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