October 20, 2016


Argentina's top poultry producers get insight on AGP alternatives




Argentina's largest poultry producers and integrators recently travelled to Chicago to gain insight on current production practices and emerging solutions available from the US market.


The group, accompanied by representatives from Elanco, the biggest distributor of antibiotics in Argentina, attended a presentation and discussion about Varium, a new non-antibiotic growth promoter from Amlan International. They also toured the Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and gained insight on grain markets from Celina Mesquida, agricultural analyst at RJ O'Brien.


"The group had a lively discussion about trends in poultry production and the changing approach to antibiotic use," said Dr. Ron Cravens, president of Amlan International. "Our team was thrilled to share the results of our clinical studies, which show that Varium promotes broiler growth equivalent to antibiotics by reducing the level of pathogens and harmful biotoxins that damage the intestinal lining, stimulating early immune function, and strengthening the intestinal barrier function."


Elanco serves as Amlan International's distribution partner in Japan and most countries in Latin America.

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