October 20, 2003



Huge Export of 15,000 Cattle from Argentina to Malaysia


One of the world's largest cattle producers is going head-to-head with Australia in one of the most important live cattle export markets.


For the first time in 25 years, Argentina will export 15,000 head of cattle to Malaysia.


Agricultural consultant Peter Harrsion says although Argentina has not completely eliminated foot and mouth disease, a competitive exchange rate has opened the door for exports from that country.


Mr Harrsion says having met Malaysia's requirements there's no reason why they won't target other Australian markets.


"It would not be that implausible for Argentina to target markets such as Egypt and parts of the Middle East or even north Africa which are relatively close to Argentina if they are able to establish appropriate arrangements with those countries.


"They'd be pretty keen, I would think, to sell high quality cuts into the US market if they were able to and most certainly in the low cost areas because Argentina has a fairly low cost of production of its cattle and most certainly its processing costs now would be lower than Australia."
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