October 15, 2007


Denmark expects strong demand growth in Japan for its pork and cheese



Danish pork and cheese exports to Japan are growing strongly and could surge by more than DKr 1 billion (US$ 189.67 million) a year in the next five years, according to Danish industry estimates. 


Current Danish pork and cheese exports to Japan are at DKr 5.5 billion (US$1.05 billion).


Pork exports account for 180,000 tonnes whereas cheese exports account for 8,000 tonnes a year.


Cheese exports are expected to rise as a result of a growing demand and falling production in Japan, according to Joerg van Loock, head of Arla Foods' Tokyo office.


Japan's pork imports from Denmark are expected to rise close to 40 percent from the present 180,000 tonnes to 250,000 tonnes in the next five years as Japan's pig industry continues to decline, said Tetzu Onozawa, head of the Danish Agricultural Council's Japanese office.


This decline in production comes at a time of greater pork consumption, he added.


Consumers in Japan also have a favourable opionion of Danish pork, with most seeing it as safe, he said.

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