October 14, 2013


US launches certification programme for sustainable soy


The US Soy Export Council (USSEC) has created a certification programme for sustainable soy which should become an alternative to Round Table for Responsible Soy (RTRS).


The initiative, called Sustainable Soy Alternative Programme (SSAP) is not new as it has been existing as a programme since 1985. New is the element of certification, representatives of the soy industry explained this week during a meeting with trade and feed companies in The Hague, the Netherlands.


Main reason for the new certification programme is the fact that many US arable farmers have found the RTRS system to be both expensive and complicated. In addition, US farmers have to comply with the SSAP in order to be eligible for subsidies or the federal loan programme. About 95% of US arable farmers do comply.


Jim Sutter, CEO for the USSEC emphasised the US' long standing preference for sustainable production. He stated that several criteria had been developed for countries with unclear land rights or illegal cutting of rain forest. The US is a modern country and soy farmers are known to comply with stringent legislation, just like in Europe, he added. Sutter also pointed to the fact that rain forest does not exist in the US.


An analysis of Marty Matlock, University of Arkansas, affiliated to neither RTRS nor SSAP, said that the SSAP programme includes 84 out of 98 components of the RTRS. The 14 leftovers do not make a strong difference, Matlock said.


The SSAP would not create additional costs for either producers or consumers. Instead of annual audits, the SSAP programme would include random audits at 5% of the soy producers. In Brazil and Argentina, the RTRS system is growing in importance.

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