October 13, 2008


Rain helps Argentina corn, but area seen falling


Rainfall last week improved planting conditions for the 2008-09 corn crop, allowing farmers to push forward with planting, the Agriculture Secretariat said in its weekly crop report Friday (October 11).


As of Oct. 10, farmers had planted 20 percent of the forecast 3.5 million hectares seen going to corn, down from 41 percent at this point last season, according to the Secretariat.


The 2008-09 wheat crop improved a bit from last week's rain, but conditions are still poor due to early drought and continued insufficient rainfall, the Secretariat said.


Sunseed planting advanced this week, but dry conditions are limiting progress.


Farmers have planted 19 percent of the area expected to be sown with sunflower seeds this season, three percentage points behind the planting pace last year.


Argentina hasn't started 2008-09 soy planting, but the area going to the seeds is expected to rise sharply this season as the beans take up the slack from decreased wheat and corn area.


The US Department of Agriculture forecasts 2008-09 soy production at a record 50.5 million tonnes.

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