October 10, 2023


US attorney general calls for sales of Tyson poultry processing plants in Missouri




An attorney general in Missouri, the United States, has urged Donnie King, chief executive officer of Tyson Foods, to sell two of Tyson's poultry processing facilities in the state that are scheduled to be closed in the coming months.


In August, Tyson made the announcement that it would be closing two of its poultry plants in Noel and Dexter, Missouri, along with two others in North Little Rock, Arkansas, and Corydon, Indiana.


"These plants are critical to local communities," Attornery General Andrew Bailey wrote about the two Missouri plants in his October 3 letter to King. "The City Administrator of Dexter, for example, recently pointed out that Dexter "has been home to an active poultry production industry since the 1890's, and the current plant location has been active since the Swift Poultry Company opened in the 1930's." Closure will be devastating to the local economy. The same is true in Noel, where the plant employs 1,500 workers in a city whose population is 2,100."


Bailey added: "Closure will have ripple effects that will harm more than just the individuals who would lose their factory jobs. How can a restaurant or grocery store in a town of 2,000 people expect to stay open when 1,500 people lose their jobs? What will chicken farmers and grain growers do if the plants they have long relied on close?"


Later in his letter, Bailey stated that King and Tyson should keep the facilities open or sell to any interested party.


Dexter city officials stated in August that the closing would impact at least 863 jobs. According to officials, Tyson plans to stop operations at the facility on October 13.

- Meat + Poultry

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