October 1, 2007
Argentina corn planting speeds up on good conditions
Argentine corn planting surged ahead this week, with farmers taking advantage of high soil-moisture levels and sunny weather, the Agriculture Secretariat said in its weekly crop report Friday (September 28).
As of September 27, farmers had planted 10 percent of the 3.95 million hectares seen going to corn this season, 2 percentage points ahead of the planting pace on the same date last year, according to the Secretariat.
As of September 27, farmers had planted 13 percent of the 2.75 million hectares seen going to sunseeds this season, 2 percentage point behind the planting pace at this time last year, according to the secretariat.
Dry conditions earlier, followed by excessive moisture over the past weeks have slowed sunseed planting, according to the Secretariat.
Wheat crop conditions improved markedly over the past week, with recent rainfall boosting the developing crop, according to the Secretariat.
The Secretariat estimates planting at 5.4 million hectares. The USDA sees production of 14 million tonnes.