August 28, 2007


Brazil's Genetiporc expands into pork business



Brazil's swine genetics company Genetiporc announced it is setting up DF Pork, a pork facility in Minas Gerais that would source pigs from farmers in the country's southeast region.


The new unit has capacity for 500 breeders to expand to 2,000 until 2010.


Genetiporc has similar partnerships with Idealporc in the state of Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul.


The company also expects to double swine capacity from 100,000 to 240,000 animals by 2008.


Commercial manager Luciano Oliveira Ferreira says Genetiporc anticipates a recovery of the Brazilian pork meat market. Brazilian pork exports have been hamstrung due to foot-and-mouth disease since 2005.


Genetiporc, half owned by Canadian partners, expects a $8-million real (US$4.1 million) turnover in 2008.

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