August 27, 2011
India's frozen shrimp remains major marine export product
For the first time, India's marine products export revenue have reached US$2.8 billion as per the figures released by the Marine Products Export Development Authority during 2010-11.
Exports aggregated to 8.13 million tonnes valued at INR12,901.47 crore and US$2,856.92 million. Compared with the previous year, seafood exports recorded a growth of 19.85% in quantity, 28.39% in rupee and 33.95% growth in US dollar earnings, respectively. The increased production of Vannamei shrimp increased productivity of Black tiger shrimp and better price realisation of major items like Cuttlefish, Shrimp and Squid helped us to gain such a higher export turnover.
Frozen Shrimp continued to be the major export value item accounting for 44.17% of the total US dollar earnings. Shrimp exports during the period increased by 16.02%, 36.72% and 42.90% in quantity, rupee value and US dollar value, respectively. Fish, has retained its position as the principal export item in quantity terms and the second largest export item in value terms, accounted for a share of about 38.42% in quantity and 20.42% in US dollar earnings.
Fr. Cuttlefish recorded a growth of 19.56% in rupee value and 25% in US dollar terms. Unit value also increased by 34.18%, however, there is a decline in quantity (6.84%). Items like dried items, live items and chilled items showed an increase in US dollar terms compared to the previous year. Export of Fr. Squid showed a remarkable increase in quantity 42.53%, 62.31% in rupee value & 69.14% in US dollar realisation. Unit value also increased by 18.67%.
EU continued to be the largest market with a share of 26.78% in US dollar realisation. Followed by South East Asia 16.43%, China with a share of 15.41%, US 15.35%, Japan 13.06%, Middle East 5.19% and Other Countries 7.79%. The export to the US market shown an exponential growth of 50% in quantity, 97% in rupee value and 105% in US dollar terms, unit value also increased by 8.75% compared to the last year. The Marine Products exports have strengthened India's presence in Southeast Asia and Middle East where the increase in quantity has been 57% and 26%, respectively. There is a significant increase in exports to African countries in comparison to previous year.
The officers at MPEDA are upbeat as the growth was amidst the scenario of continuing recession in the international markets, debt crisis in EU economies, continuing antidumping duty in US and the sluggish growth in US economy, political instability in the Arab world. MPEDA envisage an ambitious target of US$4 billion marine products exports for the year 2011-12. Increased production of L.Vannamei shrimp, increase in infrastructure facilities for production of Value added items and the regaining pace of Japanese market after tsunami etc. are the helping factor to achieve this target.