August 25, 2021


BIOMIN publishes compendium on mycotoxin linked to reproductive issues in animals



BIOMIN has recently published a book detailing the latest scientific knowledge about zearalenone, a mycotoxin that is commonly found in feed materials and associated with reproductive challenges in animals, the company announced this month.


The Zearalenone Compendium, edited by Dr. Paula Kovalsky and Dr. Christiane Gruber-Dorninger, compiles the literature on zearalenone in a practical manner. It provides an overview of the symptoms caused by zearalenone in different animals and the strategies available to counteract them. Every chapter of the compendium starts with a short summary of the most important findings.


Due to its structural similarity to estrogen, fungi-produced zearalenone latches onto the estrogen receptor, which can induce hyperestrogenism and lead to lower reproductive performance in animals.


"New tools have allowed us to form a considerable amount of knowledge about the occurrence of zearalenone and its negative impacts on animal production," Dr. Kovalsky, product manager at BIOMIN, said. "Our aim with this book is to ensure that the industry and academia have the most up-to-date understanding of zearalenone in order to be better able to confront it head on."


Results of the BIOMIN Mycotoxin Survey, which comprises the most comprehensive data set on mycotoxin occurrence in feed crops, reveal that zearalenone occurs in all kinds of commodities worldwide, especially in corn, wheat and soy.


"Increased awareness of the risks that zearalenone presents to human and animal health have led to adoption of maximum guidance levels in animal feedstuffs and regulations in food in places such as the European Union over the last fifteen years," Dr. Gruber-Dorninger, scientist at BIOMIN, said.


The electronic version of the Zearalenone Compendium is available via most major e-book platforms and 5m Publishing's website.


Select chapters on the effects of zearalenone in poultry, pigs and ruminants are available on



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