BIOMIN submits EU dossier for Digestarom® DC as zootechnical feed additive in piglets

Following a successful start to a global launch, BIOMIN submitted a dossier for the EU authorisation of Digestarom® DC, a phytogenic feed additive (PFA), for zootechnical status based on its ability to improve the performance parameters of weaned piglets.

The EU dossier, submitted for evaluation in May, includes three efficacy trials and one tolerance trial with weaned piglets that were conducted to demonstrate the efficacy and the safety of Digestarom® DC.
"The trials conducted with Digestarom® DC have shown better growth performance, greater weight gain and improved feed efficiency in piglets," stated Noonan. "Particularly in the context of profitability, competitiveness and as a tool in antibiotic reduction, PFAs have a clear role to play in supporting swine producers by promoting gut health and performance," he added.
Innovative Biomin®Duplex Capsule
Digestarom® DC incorporates a unique encapsulation technology that ensures continuous delivery of active phytogenic compounds throughout the digestive process, demonstrates stability under common pelleting conditions and offers easier handling. The Biomin® Duplex Capsule also supports the triple action formulation of Digestarom® DC, which consists of three modules: appetizing and endogenous secretions; gut microbiota modulation; and gut protection.
Market leadership
The submission of Digestarom® DC for zootechnical authorisation marks the latest milestone in ongoing activities around phytogenics at BIOMIN. "This fits neatly with our efforts to focus on phytogenics, deepen the industry and scientific understanding, commit further resources and deliver novel developments in a longstanding product line with a proven track record," said Noonan. In 2016, BIOMIN announced its ambition to become market leader for phytogenics feed additive by 2020.
Next steps
The dossier for zootechnical registration has been submitted for scientific review by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). "We have worked diligently to fully comply with the necessary requirements, and look forward to the outcome," commented Noonan.
- Biomin