July 24, 2024


Colombia stops shrimp imports from Ecuador over concern of viral infection




Colombia has suspended imports of shrimp, other raw crustaceans, and related byproducts from Ecuador after the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) claimed it detected white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) on frozen raw shrimp from Ecuador.


According to ICA, the move seeks to protect domestic producers and prevent the introduction of WSSV to the country's Caribbean zone, which is currently free of the disease. The zone comprises the regions, or departments, of Atlántico, Bolívar, Sucre, and Córdoba. Of those, Bolívar is responsible for 87% of Colombian shrimp production. Outside of the Caribbean zone, the department of Nariño in the country's southwest is responsible for another 11%.


ICA said "recurring findings" of WSSV on Ecuadorian shrimp made it necessary to strengthen controls. The suspension will be maintained until there is scientific evidence demonstrating the health risk of Ecuadorian shrimp has been properly brought under control, it said.


Ecuador's National Aquaculture Chamber (CNA) told SeafoodSource it is still waiting for the official response from the Ministry of Production of Ecuador to comment on the matter and declined to comment on whether WSSV was affecting production in the country. According to CNA, no other country has taken actions similar to Colombia.


According to the latest official statistics from CNA, from January through May 2024, Ecuador exported 2.5 million pounds of shrimp to Colombia, bringing in revenue of US$5.7 million. In volume terms, this represented just 0.22% of all the shrimp Ecuador exported during the first five months of the year.

- SeafoodSource

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