July 22, 2020
KFC Russia to create world's first 3D-printed nuggets from plants and poultry cells
Together with Russian biotechnology company 3D Printing Solutions, KFC Russia is currently developing the world's first nuggets made from real poultry cells and plant-based ingredients, The Mirror reported.
The first batch for sampling is expected to be ready by autumn 2020.
KFC saidthat its "biomeat" will not use additives used in conventional farming, create a "cleaner final product", and reduce energy consumption and harm to animals.
Raisa Polyakova, general manager of KFC Russia, said in a statement that "crafted meat products" are part of KFC's "restaurant of the future concept."
"At KFC, we are closely monitoring all of the latest trends and innovations and doing our best to keep up with the times by introducing advanced technologies to our restaurant networks," Polyakovaadded.
"Our experiment in testing 3D bioprinting technology to create chicken products can also help address several looming global problems. We are glad to contribute to its development and are working to make it available to thousands of people in Russia and, if possible, around the world," said Yusef Khesuani, co-founder and managing partner of 3D Bioprinting Solutions.
"3D bioprinting technologies, initially widely recognised in medicine, are nowadays gaining popularity in producing foods such as meat," he added.
Earlier in June, Israel-based Redefine Meat pioneered the world's first plant-based steak products, with market testing at select high-end restaurants to start later this year.