July 21, 2011


South Korea's pork intake approaches 1.37 million tonnes



In spite of recent increasing pork prices, South Korea is forecast to consume a total of 1.37 million tonnes of pork that makes up 1.31% share of world pork consumption.


Meanwhile, China is expected to produce and consume more than half of total global supplies.


According to the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI), this year's global consumption of pork will come to 104.39 million tonnes, and roughly 50.37% (52.58 million tonnes) will be consumed in China. This is 2.5-folds the combine intake from all 27 countries within the EU (21.17 million tonnes), and 6.2 times the consumption level in the US (8.55 million tonnes), the world's third largest pork consumer.


Fourth place was taken by Russia (2.76 million tonnes), followed by Brazil (2.65 million tonnes). Korea placed ninth (1.37 million tonnes) in the list, while North Korea ranked 25th (0.17 million tonnes)


China took an overwhelming lead in pork production as well, with a 50.23% share (52.5 million tonnes). This was followed by the EU (22.9 million tonnes), the US (10.26 million tonnes), Brazil (3.28 million tonnes), and Russia (1.91 million tonnes).


Korea's pork production level is expected to reach 0.76 million tonnes, which is 0.73% of global output and places the nation 12th on the list of the world's pork producers, while North Korea is expected to place 22nd with 0.17 million tonnes.

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