July 13, 2007
China's shrimp export down 42 percent on-year for first quarter
China's shrimp export from January-April was down 42.7 percent in value and 38.9 percent in tonnage compared to the same period last year, according to the General Administration of Customs.
Exports in January-April reached 5,164 tonnes valued at US$29.423 million, while 1,240 tonnes of shrimp meat valued at US$6.7 million were exported in April.
China's shrimp exports have been falling significantly in recent years. From 49,578 tonnes in 2004, it fell to 42,865 tonnes in 2005 and dropped further to 17,508 tonnes in 2006. Exports this year would likely fall further as exports as of May reached only 5,164 tonnes. The US ban on China's seafood is also expected to have a crippling impact on China's shrimp exports.