July 9, 2011


Indian soymeal export soar 180% in Apr-Jun


India's soymeal export rose by 180% to 597,971 million tonnes (MT) during first quarter of current financial year 2011-12, Soybean Oil Processors Association (SOPA) said Thursday (Jul 7).


Export in the April-June period of the previous year was 213,513 MT.


SOPA spokesman Rajesh Agarwal said exports of soymeal during June, 2011 was 117,596 tonnes as compared to 95,778 tonnes in June, 2010, showing a jump of 22.78% on-year.


Japan (1,084,012 MT), Thailand (145,978 MT), Vietnam (834,369 MT) consistently remain top importers of Indian soy products. China, Korea and Mozambique are the other major importers. Mostly, soyoil is exported to the top procuring countries and soy cakes are exported to the other countries, which use it as nutritious cattle feed.


During current oil year (October/September), exports during October 2010 to June 2011 were 3,595,818 MT as against 1,717,879 MT last year, an increase by 109.31%.


SOPA is the largest soy-product exporting body in India. The data features 51 countries which are major importers of India's soy products.


The association has compiled the data based on the information received from the members, port Authorities and other agencies. The data does not include exports to Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh by rail or road.

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