July 8, 2013


Ukraine expects 20 million tonnes wheat harvest in 2013


Ukraine's Agrarian Policy and Food Supplies Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk said that the Ministry expects wheat harvest of 20 million tonnes this year.


"This year, the harvest volume will be larger than average over the last five years. At present, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food Supplies expects that the harvest will make up 54 million tonnes, which will be 18% more than last year. In particular, domestic agricultural enterprises will harvest up to 20 million tonnes of wheat, which will be 23% more than last year. Rye harvest will make up about 600,000 tonnes, which will be enough to meet domestic needs," the minister said.


According to Prysiazhniuk, that harvest will be gathered thanks to the retention of winter crops in good conditions, expansion of sowing areas under corn, increase in the number of mineral fertilisers and plant protection.


In order to complete the harvest within optimal terms, agricultural enterprises use over 56,000 combine harvesters, and if necessary, the government is ready to bring additional machinery to the regions.


Prysiazhniuk reminded that an interagency headquarters for the coordination of harvesting campaign works 24 hours a day under the ministry. From Monday, July 8, the minister intends to launch working trips to the regions, in order to personally control the course of the harvesting works.


In the first half of July, director of the agriculture department Oleksandr Demidov expected the harvest of 53-54 million tonnes of grains and grain legumes in 2013.

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