July 7, 2016

Pancosma discusses phytomolecules at poultry feeding and nutrition conference



Phytomolecules, naturally occurring active components of plant extracts, have been gaining widespread interest due to their success in addressing the challenges of poultry production and performance, Pascosma said.


The company discussed these issues at the Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference held at Purdue University in Indianapolis, US, on May 24-26. The conference was attended by nutritionists, veterinarians and key players of the North American poultry feed industry.


Feed additives based on phytomolecules have been shown to improve animal health and performance. Christian Bruneau, Pancosma's technical sales manager, and Dr. Vasil Pirgozliev, a collaborating scientist from Harper Adams University, UK, illustrated the promise and potential of feed additives containing botanical extracts, with data collected from scientific studies. 


Although they do not exert any direct antimicrobial effects at their low inclusion rates in feed, phytomolecules are known to contain powerful immune-modulating properties. Bruneau explained that in order to perform as an effective feed additive, plant extract blends have to be produced in a standardised manner to guarantee consistent and reliable results, with a clear mode of action. A standardised combination of capsicum and turmeric oleoresins was shown to exert potent anti-inflammatory effects in response to pathogenic challenge from bacteria and viruses. This blend of phytonutrients showed further beneficial effects in vaccination programmes. When combined with a coccidiosis vaccine, broilers achieved the same level of performance compared to a standard rotation program with AGP and coccidiostats, in response to pathogenic challenge with Eimera tenella.  


Dr. Pirgozliev spoke about the benefits of supplementing poultry feed with phytonutrient-based feed additives, supported by research carried out at the National Institute of Poultry Husbandry, Harper Adams University in England. This study evaluated the effects of a combination of phytomolecules consisting of 5% carvacrol, 3% cinnamaldehyde and 2% capsicum oleoresin in broilers, and showed significantly improved feed conversion efficiency and dietary net energy (NE). Dietary NE is a measure of the metabolisable energy available of feed, after taking into account energy loss resulting from the heat increment of digestion, or the energy required to incorporate dietary components. Furthermore, the blend of phytonutrients was found to modulate immune responses following a non-specific pathogen challenge, to reduce intestinal inflammation and enhance gut health.

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