June 8, 2012


US' HJ Baker & Bro launches new lysine study



HJ Baker & Bro. Inc. has announced positive results of two studies that prove farmers who used MetaboLys By-Pass Lysine for Dairy has enhanced their herds' fat, protein and milk production.


A 200 paired cow "Off, On, Off" study was conducted in Iowa for 90 days (January to March 2012).


The treatment cows responded to the addition of MetaboLys with a significant 4.8% increase in total protein and 2.1% increase in fat.


Control cows were 3.069% protein and treatment cows were 3.216% representing a significant total 4.8% total protein response.


Control cows were 3.667% fat and MetaboLys treatment cows were 3.745% fat representing a significant 2.1% total fat response.


Total addition income premiums paid to the dairyman was US$0.51 ($0.39 protein and US$0.12 fat) per cow per day. IOFC (Income over feed cost) was an additional US$0.18 per cow per day.


A whole herd study was conducted in Florida for 90 days (December 2011 through February 2012).


Results showed a significant 1.36 kg milk response (32.2 kg to 33.6 kg) representing US$0.60 per cow per day addition income.


There was also a total 0.07% increase in fat which equates to an additional US$0.25 fat premium.


Total additional income to the dairyman was US$0.85 (0.60 milk + 0.25 fat) per cow per day. IOFC (Income over feed cost) was US$0.60 per cow per day.


Christopher Smith, President and CEO of HJ Baker & Bro., Inc. stated: "We've known for a long time that a by-pass lysine product that really worked would provide essentially unparalleled benefits to the dairy industry.


"HJ Baker really made sure the science worked with our product and that it works in the cow as well. These numbers show unequivocally that MetaboLys works, which is important because when you lead a company with 160 years of high-quality products, you stand behind those products."


Dr John K Bernard, of the University of Georgia's Animal and Dairy Science Department stated: "Development of this type of product is extremely important as the industry moves toward formulating dairy rations for specific amino acids, especially in markets where milk is sold on a component basis.


"Our research shows that MetaboLys by-pass lysine exhibits a very high degree of protection from degradation in the rumen and very good intestinal digestibility."


MetaboLys® by-pass lysine is a rumen protected lysine that provides lipid coated Lysine Sulphate protection in the rumen, while allowing for digestion in the intestine in lactating cows.


Initial research conducted by the University of Georgia determined that the product improves lactation and efficiency, improves protein nutrition and improves production response.


Ongoing university testing and field trials will continue with lactating and cannulated cows for ruminal and duodenal digestibility.

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