June 7, 2012
Australian poultry industry boosted by higher prices for meats
Australia's pork and poultry industries have been boosted by higher prices for other meats as well as improving productivity and relatively low feed costs over the past year, according to National Australia Bank's (NAB) May Rural Commodities Wrap.
"The poultry industry has maintained its position as Australia's meat of choice" said NAB's General Manager of Agribusiness, Khan Horne. "This is being driven by a number of factors including consumer demand for the low fat, high protein content of chicken meat, along with its versatility and price relative to other meats".
Per capita poultry consumption is estimated to reach 45.2 kilogrammes in 2011-2012. While down on 2010-2011 levels, it's well above 38 kilogrammes recorded in 2009-2010 and is expected to continue to grow to 45.5 kilogrammes in 2012-2013.
"We're seeing poultry farmers increase production to meet this rising demand, despite some farmers experiencing a rise in processing costs and concerns around the potential for grain prices to increase," Horne said.
Real consumer prices for poultry have fallen 1.9% a year on average over the last decade. "In the medium term we're likely to see a fall in consumer prices as domestic production increases," Horne added.
"Looking ahead we expect both pork and poultry to maintain their competitiveness within the domestic meat market with a firm medium term outlook."