May 31, 2004
New Zealand Live Cattle Export Rules Updated
New rules are in place for the live export of cattle in New Zealand.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry says it has been working with the industry to review and update the standard for the transport of cattle by sea.
It says the goal is to ensure the highest level of welfare for the cattle during transportation.
Animal welfare manager Wayne Ricketts says MAF was considering reviewing standards when 90 cows died while being shipped to Mexico.
He says they encountered a severe storm during which a number died and others had to be put down.
Shippers now have to report any deaths during a voyage and the reason.
Wayne Ricketts admits they cannot do much about storms.
He also says a growing trade in the export of live cattle is one of the reasons for the new standards, which include a requirement regarding the diagnosis of pregnancy and having an experienced stockman on board.
Wayne Ricketts says the export of cattle has increased considerably in the last six months with a number of new players in the market, including China.