May 27, 2008


Saudi Arabia to revise animal feed subsidies


Saudi Arabia announced to boost animal feed trade by revising the feed subsidy list that consists of 19 energy and protein rich feed ingredients.


Under the revised programme, the government will provide discounts ranging from US$116 up to US$560 per tonne, depending on the type of imported feed.


The government's rebate will be paid directly to the local importer.


The expanded list added new feed items such as rapeseed meal, fish meal and soy hulls.


Saudi Arabia's subsidies on the two main feed ingredients, soymeal and yellow corn, were increased from US$133.33 per tonne to US$396 and US$266.67, respectively.


The new subsidy programme is in line with the Ministry of Agriculture's (MOA) recently issued National Animal Feed Strategic Plan which bases government subsidy levels on a feed ingredient's nutritional value, mainly energy and protein contents.

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