May 25, 2022


FEFAC: Stable industrial compound feed production in EU last year


Industrial compound feed production in the European Union remained stable in 2021, the European Compound Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) said.


Looking forward, the spread of animal diseases and the continuing global grain market rally fuelled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is expected to reduce compound feed demand in 2022 by 4–5 million tonnes.


EU compound feed production for farmed animals last year is estimated at

150,2 million tonnes., an increase of 0.03 % compared to 2020, according to data provided by FEFAC members.


With the exception for the pig feed sector, all other sectors managed to stabilise or slightly increase their production despite the COVID-19 pandemic, global grain market rally, supply chain disruptions and spread of animal diseases in 2021.


Pig feed production decreased by -1.5% in 2021. Countries most affected were Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Slovenia and Hungary. The Netherlands and Belgium have continued the depopulation of their pig herds in order to lower agricultural environmental emissions.


The EU poultry feed sector managed to increase its production by 1.1% compared to the previous year, recovering partially from losses linked to COVID-19 lockdown measures in 2020.


Cattle feed production slightly increased by 0.2% compared to the previous year due to a higher increase in production in Ireland, Bulgaria and Austria (+6%) following a severe drought impacting grass growth.


In Italy and the Czech Republic, dairy farmers decided to acquire industrial compound feed rather than mixing feed on farms, as a response to high costs for raw materials.



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