May 15, 2024


Schothorst Feed Research launches book that offers comprehensive insight on mycotoxins




Netherlands-based Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) has compiled all scientific knowledge on mycotoxins concerning their occurrence, health hazards, prevention, treatment, analysis and other current insights on the topic in a comprehensive book, the organisation announced.


The launch of the publication is accompanied by a masterclass, consisting of a series of six webinars and a two-day seminar.


Dr. Regiane Santos, senior researcher at SFR, who specialises in mycotoxins and is the chief editor of the book, said: "We noticed that our partners and clients have a growing demand for scientific, independent information on mycotoxins. Over the years, we have performed many studies on the impact of mycotoxins on farm animal health and production performance, but in the book, entitled "From Field to Feed", we also wanted to include scientific insights from other experts from all over the world."


Dr. Santos reached out to specialised authors to contribute to the different chapters in the publication, which gives an extensive overview of all aspects related to mycotoxins.


First, an introduction is provided of the occurrence of mycotoxins in different crops and different regions in the world. This is followed by seven chapters dedicated to the effects of mycotoxins in various animal species, specifically, poultry birds, pigs, cattle, fish, horses, companion animals and insects.


The progress in sampling and analysis methods is also described, as well as in vitro models to evaluate the effects of mycotoxins on organs and tissues.


In the final chapters of the publication, an overview is given on methods to prevent or treat mycotoxin contamination. Additionally, risk assessment and issues related to climate change and future farming are dealt with.


"Because we were determined to spread all this knowledge as widely as possible, we decided to accompany the launch of the book with a masterclass", Santos said. "The interactive set-up of the masterclass enables participants to directly ask questions to the experts in the webinars and seminar. People attending the seminar will receive a hardcopy of the book."


Throughout this year, SFR hosted a variety of webinars featuring diverse speakers.


A ‘live' two-day seminar will take place on September 19-20 in Zaandam, the Netherlands. Eleven experts from around the world will present their research findings and insights on mycotoxins. The seminar programme will cover a wide range of animal species and addresses topics such as prevention, treatment of contaminated feed, climate change and risk assessment.


- Schothorst Feed Research

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