May 13, 2013


Paraguay's beef exports up 55% in Jan-Apr


In the first four months of this year, Paraguay beef exports soared 54.94% totalling 65,000 tonnes equivalent to US$337 million compared to the same period in 2012 of 44,000 tonnes at US$218 million.


According to official statistics from the Animal Health and Quality Service (SENACSA), the volume is a record for Paraguay that has recovered several foreign markets including Chile and Russia, after suffering an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in late 2011. Russia remains Paraguay's best customer with purchases of 44,000 tonnes, followed by Brazil with 7,000 tonnes; Israel, 3,000 and Chile, 2,000.


Currently Paraguay is the world's eighth beef exporter ahead of Mexico and Argentina, according to the first Bovine-forum which took place at Puerto Iguazú. At the forum it was also revealed that Brazil has a cattle herd of 197 million head; Argentina, 49 million; Colombia, 31 million; Paraguay 13 million; Venezuela, 12 million and Uruguay, 11 million.

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