May 2, 2011


Taiwan detects toxic chemicals in grouper fish



A report issued by Taiwan's Department of Health (DOH) indicated that tests on grouper fish stocks from Tainan, Chiayi and Keelung have yielded traces of toxic chemicals.

The DOH tested 15 samples of grouper fish in March. Two samples from Tainan and Chiayi in southern Taiwan showed residues of malachite green, an industrial chemical, in the amounts of 7.94ppb and 7. 22ppb, respectively. One sample from Keelung in the north contained 1.13ppb of nitrofurans, a class of antibiotics.

Past experiments on animals have shown that malachite green can cause liver damage or affect foetal development. Tests on nitrofurans have demonstrated that they may increase the risk of cancer.

Both substances are banned from use in fish farming, said Chou Shou-guan, deputy director of the Central Centre for Regional Administration at the Food and Drug Administration.

According to Chou, government authorities are currently looking into the matter. Any businesses found to be using the chemicals illegally will be punished.

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