April 27, 2023


Belgium's farmers planted more spring grains, maize last year; pig inventory shrunk




Higher grain prices prompted farmers in Belgium to grow more spring grains and maize in 2022.


Meanwhile, the country's pig inventory declined.


The cultivated area for spring grains (wheat and barley) and maize increased by 36% (+19,251 hectares) compared to 2021.


The pig inventory decreased by 4.8% (down 290,973 head). The total number of finishing pigs weighing more than 50 kilogrammes fell by 5.4%. High animal feed prices were attributed as the reason for this decline. Breeding pigs were down 5.6% between October 2021 and 2022. This trend is expected to continue.


The number of farms in Belgium decreased in 2022. There were 35,192 farms of all types, down 2.3% from 2021. The decrease was greatest in Flanders at -3.3%. There was a slight decrease (-0.5%) in the area of cultivated land.


- Vilt

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