April 15, 2011

EU legislators support increasing GM crop bans



EU governments will have the ability to limit or ban GMO-crops on a case-by-case basis under procedures endorsed by the European Parliament's all-party environment committee earlier this week.


Critics of GM crops said herbicides utilised in combination with the plants encourage extensive weed resistance, or super weeds.


EU countries should also be allowed to ban GM crops to guard domestic plants, habitats and substitute agricultural practices such as organic production, the European parliament's influential environment committee said in a vote in Brussels.


"This vote is a clear signal from the parliament that some agricultural and environmental impacts can be cited by member states to justify a ban or restriction on GM cultivation," said lawmaker Corrine Lepage, who headed the vote.


Socialists and Democrat spokeswoman on environment and health issues, Linda McAvan said, "The existing law does not deal with the issue adequately. There is a legal vacuum.


"Under the terms of this vote, member states will be obliged to prevent contamination of GMO-free crops and other products on their territory and in the border areas of neighbouring member states."


The European Commission in July 2010 suggested draft laws that would provide governments the authority to decide on bans in a bid to break a deadlock in EU GM crop approvals, after only two types have been endorsed for growing in more than 12 years.


The draft rules must be jointly endorsed by EU governments and lawmakers before becoming law.


The full parliament will take a vote on the environment committee's changes and other suggested changes to the draft laws in June.

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