April 11, 2022
Nigeria to receive genetically enhanced tilapia through agreement
WorldFish has signed an inclusive legal agreement with Premium Aquaculture Limited (PAL) to transfer genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) fry to Nigeria.
The transfer will kickstart a new domestic industry in Nigeria for tilapia farming, leading to improved livelihoods as well as food and nutrition security among the Nigerian population.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are collaborating with WorldFish and PAL on this endeavour with the aim of having WorldFish/PAL GIFT tilapia in Nigerian fish markets by late 2023.
Elaborating on the agreement, WorldFish project leader for the Bill and Melinda Gates Project Dr. Colin Shelley said: "This agreement reflects WorldFish's ambitions for future growth and investment in the African continent and its confidence to impact at scale to support small-scale aquaculture producers charter their pathway out of poverty."
On the importance of fish to Nigeria, WorldFish project advisor Dr Rohana Subasinghe said: "Fish is critically important to Nigeria for food and nutritional security, foreign exchange, employment and livelihoods. Yet, a steep change in supplies and distribution is necessary over the next 20 years to realise its full potential."
Recognising the importance of using an improved variety of tilapia to support the necessary growth of the tilapia sector, Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development recently made an official request to WorldFish to transfer GIFT – a Nile tilapia variety genetically improved through decades of selective breeding by WorldFish – from Malaysia to Nigeria and to assist in creating a GIFT seed industry in the country.
WorldFish's GIFT has been distributed to many developing nations.
Several studies have identified socio-economic benefits arising from farming GIFT, including improved rural income and employment.
WorldFish Nigeria country manager Dr. Sunil Siriwardena said: "In partnership with BMGF and USAID, WorldFish is investing in an R&D programme that will provide the foundation for establishing a sustainable private sector-based GIFT seed and grow-out industry in Nigeria.
"This programme is designed to (prepare and bio-securely transfer GIFT from Malaysia to Nigeria; establish a GIFT breeding population for disease-free broodstock/seed dissemination and; establish a healthy GIFT seed industry/business and GIFT-seed-based smallholder out-grower business/industry in Nigeria."
GIFT fry will be transferred from WorldFish's headquarters in Malaysia to PAL's, secured quarantine facility in Nigeria's Ogun State under a robust environmental risk management programme and strategy.
PAL, a subsidiary of Stallion Group, is the largest tilapia producer in Nigeria.
On the impact of the collaboration between PAL and WorldFish, the former's senior manager, Govinda Raju, said: "This technical collaboration is poised to propagate and disseminate WorldFish's 17th generation fast-growing strain of GIFT tilapia in Nigeria. We are highly confident that it will boost tilapia production in the country as well as farmers' income."
- The Fish Site