April 11, 2022


Phileo by Lesaffre expands aquaculture footprint with tilapia programme



Phileo by Lesaffre has unveiled its tilapia functional nutrition programme, a move that will increase its footprint in aquaculture


Gathering more than 10 years of work in the tilapia industry, the company launched the dedicated programme — called Program Aquasaf Tilapia  — that aims to improve gut health and support disease prevention strategies.


Program Aquasaf Tilapia was conceived to maximise productivity, profitability and sustainability of tilapia farming using Phileo's functional yeast probiotics and postbiotics. To build the programme, Phileo drew on knowledge from more than 10 R&D projects carried out in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico and the Philippines, using different products and their combination, both in lab and field conditions.


The programme provides science-based recommendations to address some of the most impacting challenges faced by producers such as mortalities caused by bacterial infections from Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus agalactiae, reduced growth associated with oxidative stress, economic losses due to poor gut health and feed conversion, while avoiding the use of antimicrobial and chemical substances.  


Otavio Serino Castro, Phileo's aquaculture global species manager, said: "We designed Program AquaSaf Tilapia to provide a clear view on the mechanisms of action of our solutions and their benefits on immunity, microbiota and performance in different production conditions. It is a tool to support and empower professionals when developing preventive care strategies for a more sustainable tilapia production."


Program Aquasaf Tilapia details how Safmannan®, Phileo's yeast postbiotic, can reduce pathogens-related mortalities by up to 50%, and how substantial improvements of feed conversion, growth and fillet yield can be achieved by exploring synergies with other Phileo key brands such as organic selenium-enriched yeast Selsaf®, or yeast probiotic Actisaf®.


Tilapia is farmed in many subtropical regions, such as China, Egypt and Brazil where production is hindered by seasonal diseases. Hence, specific actions throughout the production cycle are needed.


Alban Caratis, Phileo's aquaculture global programme manager, highlighted that in some areas, the issues are likely to grow in complexity due to the continued development and intensification of production, water scarcity, the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens and climate change.


He added: "With the AquaSaf Tilapia programme, we aim to demonstrate that our solutions and sustainable practices can deliver improved performances, better profitability and increased animal welfare, whether they are adopted by global tilapia industry players or family farmers. That is part of our vision to act with nature for animal care."


- Phileo

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