March 30, 2023


Indonesia to develop tilapia cultivation centres to meet global demand



Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Indonesia's Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, said the government will develop tilapia cultivation centres along Central Java's north coast to replace shrimp, as the country aims to meet increased global demand for the commodity, Vietnam News Agency reported.


The minister said global demand for tilapia is huge, with the market in 2023 valued at US$13.9 billion.


Trenggono said the global demand for protein from fish is still rising, while the fish export market is stable and unaffected by the economic downturn.


Shrimp, tuna, skipjack, cuttlefish, octopus, and crabs are among Indonesia's top exports of aquatic products, he said, adding that the nation is eager to gain market share in the global market for five key fishery products: shrimp, lobster, crab, tilapia, and seaweeds.


-      Vietnam News Agency

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